Saturday 29 December 2012

Week 10!!! The Last Chapter.

This will be the last entry I wrote for this blog because I'm going to complete this subject soon. How sad. This subject is the most fun subject ever!! I love this subject so much as I have gain a lot of knowledge. These subject teaches us how to be creative in thinking or anything and I think that lecturers, Mr. Yap, Mr. Radzi and Mr. Mustafa have done a excellent job in delivering the lectures as I have learn many things and all of them are applicable in our life. This week topic is about "Global Creativity and Media Agency", conducted by Mr. Mustafa.

I have to say that this week lecture's slides is the best I ever seen because it is informative and yet beautiful. Good job. It caught my full attention. OK, let us begin now. Basically, this week lecture is about creativity in advertisements. A creative advertisement is always better than a dull advertisement as everyone knows. No one bother to see an unattractive advertisement.

An Example for Excellent, Creative Advertisement

From the lecture, I know that traditional advertising mediums such as magazines, newspaper will soon be eliminated and taken over by the current mainstream medium such as internet, blog and television or even future mediums. Why these traditional advertising mediums will be eliminated? This is because nowadays people doesn't need them anymore. Most of the people are using internet all of the time and they also gets information or news from the internet. In fact, the latest news spread extremely quick through the internet and people acquires news faster than get from the newspaper. Well, I also depend less and less on newspaper to acquire the latest news as it is easier and cheaper.
Not only that, companies also spend lesser and lesser to publish their advertisements in newspapers as it is not effective and somehow waste of money. They prefer current mainstream advertising agent such as internet or social network like Facebook to post their advertisement. There are million and even billion of user of Facebook can see the advertisement if they publish there and it is surely to be more efficient and worth it.

 Advertisement is consider quite an important thing for a company. Without a great, effective and even a creative advertisement, it is hardly to grab anyone attention. So, before an excellent advertising is produce, many studies and creative thinking and research must be done. Research on target audience is essential in creating a great advertisement because it create a golden opportunity for a company to success. 

Before the class ended, Mr. Mustafa also gave us to see a short video which is a talk by Mr. Renny Gleeson. And the link below leads to the video.

Mr. Renny spoke about the story of 404 page and I enjoyed it. I believe that most of the internet surfer surely encounter this 404 page before and me, myself too encounter several times. Anyone agree with me that this page is annoying? Mr. Renny spoke that many companies have realized this often occur problem is a great opportunity for their companies. They change this 404 page into a advertising agent and when people encounter this page, they will have the chance to see the advertisement. What Mr. Renny wanted to say is that, nowadays the competition against each companies increases greatly everyday and it is very important to find opportunity to advertise to promote their own companies. Changing the 404 page is one of the great example to become a powerful and effective advertising agent. I bet that most of us never think of this way.

Is time to end this blog. So sad. Bye bye! 



Week 9! Create in art and multimedia ^^

Yea! "Creative in art and multimedia" is the topic for this week's lecture. Actually, I'm quite enjoyed this week's lecture cause it was fun! Conducted by one of my favorite lecturer, Mr. Yap Sau Bin. In class, Mr. Yap wanted us to think back to 100 years ago and think about what artist did at that time. He mentioned that the artworks at that time already value the element of Visual Communication which is an very important element in an artwork.

About 100 years ago, surrealism is certainly one of the mainstream and art movement. Talking about surrealism, Dadaist is also a must to be mentioned. Dada? They don't want to apply the concept of reality in their art and because for them reality is not a good thing. The breakout of this movement is also due to the horror of World War I. Dadaist artist abandoned the reality and showing their creative imagination and dreams in their art. Most of the time, they also used Juxtaposition in their art by combining two things together and creative a brand new thing that never existed in Earth. Example is that combining the head of eagle and the body of lion to become a new creature which often known as the Gryphon.

Gryphon- Creature that have head of  an eagle and body of a lion

Raoul Housmann
There are another form of art that is appeared to be famous at about years ago. Guess what? This form of art is quite alike to one of the art form these days. Photo montage is the answer. Photo montage is a composite photograph that is a result of combining few photographs into one. Well, I guess some one you already know what is it similar to. Photoshop of course! When Mr. Yap talked about this in class, I'm amazed because 100 years ago there were artist already using this knowledge to create art and before this I thought Photoshop is one of the latest technique used in art. Of course they were not using computer to do it because computer hasn't existed yet! What they do is cutting the images in the newspapers and magazines and joining them together and finally create a creative artworks. Raoul Housmann is one of the famous photo montage artist in that time. Pictures below are the famous artworks created by Raoul Housmann.

It's assignment time!

What is the future issues in art and does digital tools make you more creative?

For me, I think that art in future does not focus on 2D anymore because it has its own limitation compare to the 3D artwork as artist can apply their creativity more in a 3D artwork. 3D will be one of the mainstream art in future and 2D artworks will be eliminated soon. Not only that, I believed that 4D artworks will also be popular in the future too. 4D? Ya. 3D still has its own limitation too. Artist may not be able to communicate well with the one who looking at their artwork because of lack of something. By 4D artwork, the message can be delivered more clearly to the one who look at it and also 4D is something that must be think out of the box that required lots of imagination and thinking.
Below are some example of 4D artwork.

Digital tools are sure powerful and can help us in create tons of good artworks. But nowadays, too many people relay on the digital tools and they failed to create artwork when there is no digital tools in assist. Digital tools also made most the artist create almost the same kind or same style of artworks because this is the limitation of using digital tools. When I search artwork created by artist, I found that most of them are almost the same and this make them lose their originality. Although there are exception in this case but relaying on digital tools surely limit our creativity. Looking back to surrealism arts, they did not depends on digital tools and yet they created tons of amazing artworks and there are all unique and differ from each other.


Monday 24 December 2012

Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnddddddddooommmm! Week 8!

This week we learn about random word! Random word? What is it? Random word is consider a method of thinking. Just like logical and associated mind map that we learn weeks ago, it is a creative thinking method. New and unique things always come from strange and crazy ideas and I feel that random word would assist a lot in achieve that.

How random word works? First we need to identify a problem or a task. Just fix a random subject in the middle as usual and then generate a simple mind map of the random subject. Then, is time to think! Think, think, think and think. Think how to relate the random subject to the problem or task. OK, now i will give an example. Just take Mr. Radzi given problem to complete this example.

TADA!! Mr. Radzi's problem is...... How to train a group of tutors in six month time? Then generate your own random subject. Anything will do. I choose monkey for this task.

Then create a simple mind map.

OK, now proceed into the next step. Link the words that u generated in the mind map to the task.

Banana? How to teach the tutors? It may sound ridiculous but I think it is fun. How can banana teach tutors? Just make the banana as a reward to the tutors. When they able to achieved something great in their studies, banana will be given to them as a reward. This will surely help them to complete their studies easily.

Zoo? Why zoo? How zoo can help to train them? Well, zoo is full of cages as we know. Force them to study in cage! Lock them up and let them concentrate on study like 10 hours a day. This is cruel but it works.

Tail? This sounds more funny. Tutor of the group of tutors wear a tail and then ask the the groups of tutors to hold the tail and follow anywhere the tutor go. They will be able to learn all the things of that tutor.

Now is the time for assignment!

How to make a person stop smoking in 6 months time?

The random word is traffic light!


Coat the cigarette with metal as it is a heat conductor. When a smoker want to smoke, it becomes hot very fast and people will definitely throw it away immediately as it is extremely hot. When this keeps on happening, people will lost their desire to smoke slowly/gradually.


 The smoke from cigarette will change colour and this scares the smoker.


Loud Beeping sound will produce from a cigarette when someone lighted it up. This will make the smoker to feel embarrass as  people will tend to look at the source of the loud beeping sound.

PSC0023 Creative studies week 8 notes

Just a Juxtaposition!! It's week 7 :3

This week's lecturer was very fun and it was conducted by Mr. Radzi. The topic of this week was Juxtaposition. What is Juxtaposition? It sounds like just-a-position, haha. OK, based on the notes of Mr. Radzi, Juxtaposition is defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparisonMany creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa..

There were few activities carried out in the class. It was fun and all of us enjoyed it because waves of laughs flow splash anywhere in the class. Total of 5 task were given in the class. Yeap, it seems many but it was relaxing I will say. First, Mr Radzi gave each of us a A3 paper and then he showed us two groups of words and ask us to copy it down on the paper. The first group of words is in red colour while the other one is black colour.
Then Mr.Radzi told us to choose 3 random numbers between 00-99. Guess what number I chose. 22, 16 and 94. Well, there were the first 3 numbers that came to my mind. After choosing the numbers, Mr. Radzi tell us to put numbers from 0-9 at the side of the words as he showed on the screen. This is how it looks like after adding numbers.

And the next step is form a new word according to the number that you have selected. For example, I have already chose 22, 16 and 94. The first number is 22 and how to form a new word? Split the number into 2 and you will know how to get the new word. The first 2 is from the first group and the second 2 is word from the second group. So, the word I get will be "Lightning Rock". Repeating the steps to get the other new pair of words.

22 = Lightning Rock
16 = Flower Spider
94 = Leaf Mountain

After this, Mr.Radzi told us to build a sentence with the new pair of word. It is not necessary to join the words together when building the sentences. In other word, the word can be splitted up in the sentences. The sentences can be not logically, funny and random as long as it is arrange in the right sequence which means that the first word should come first and cannot be put to the back and this same goes to the second word. This is the 3 sentences I built.

22 - Lightning Rock: A lightning struck the rock just now.
16 - Flower Spider: The flower looks like a spider.
94 - Leaf Mountain: A leaf is blown to the direction of mountain.

Funny. Now is the interesting part. Mr. Radzi called us to draw out what we had wrote for the sentences just now. OK, challenge accepted!

Now, is the other way. Just now we split the word into 2 but now we join them together. This will be harder than just now. Mr. Radzi wanted us to draw another 3 pictures according to what we chose. It is not a must to use the word we choose as Mr. Radzi say we can use some word that sounds the same. For example, Leave is sounds like leaf, so it can be used.

After the 3 drawings, now is consider the second of this week's lecture. The title is Merger goes wrong. Mr. Radzi showed us a picture that full of animals and wanted us to choose any 2 of the animals and merge them together if you think that they cannot survive after merging them. I have no idea why the selection of animals of mine same to Mr. Radzi. Well, coincident. I chose bird and fish.

Combination of fish and bird cannot survive because they live in different habitats. Bird lives on tree while fish lives in water. Bird is unable to fly when their wing is wet and fish is also unable to leave water for a long period. They are eat different kinds of food. Bird's food are usually fruits and worms but fish eats small fishes. Hence, they sure will die if combining them together.

And now is the time for assignment of this week. Creating poems! Aww... I'm not good in this. :( But never mind, I will try my best to create some good one.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”

Love is like a chilli.
When I hold you, T have already feel the passion deep inside you.
When I mix you with my food, you become the spice of my life,
When I bite you, I feel hot and somehow hot.
Hotter and hotter.
Sometimes, it makes me cry.
Sometimes, it make me want more and more.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

Life is like fire of a candle.
Sometimes burns lively, indicate the excitement of life.
Sometimes burns dimly, symbolize the sorrow of life.
Some burns miserably and dimly to the end,
Some burns vigorously and fiercely to the end,
Some decided to extinguished at the middle.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman”

Woman is like Mortal and Pestle,
They are essential existent in our life,
that we need.
They mix the spice of our life,
that we can't do it by our own.
But they can be offensive sometimes,
that sometimes hurts a lot.
They grind all kinds of thing in arguement,
that are they specialties.
They are essential but sometimes dangerous,
that we need to handle with care.


Monday 3 December 2012

What is Mind Map to You? Week 5~

Welcome back! Wew, I'm glad that this week lecture is not about history. History is so boring and it's boredom almost killed me. :( This week's topic is about mind map. Yes, mind map. Although this topic was taught already in the tri-semester before, but it is brought up again this week. I guess mind map is something very important that has to be keep on repeating in class. Mr. Mustafa was the lecturer for this week and this week's lecture will certainly more interesting than last week's lecture.

What is a Mind Map?

Sir Tony Buzan
Mind map is a powerful and useful tool that is introduced by Sir Tony Buzan. What is this powerful tool for? Anyone think about it's function before? I bet no one thinks about it. I suppose students that undergo the Malaysia education barely able to get in touch with the usage of mind map in their studies or simply told by teacher to use a mind map without knowing the true purpose of building a mind map. Me, as a Malaysian encountered the same problems when I was in primary and secondary school. So, what is the true function of using a mind map? Sir Tony Buzan introduced mind map as it is a great tool to generate ideas and works efficiently in brainstorming. Basically it is use in taking notes, research or generating ideas. "Taking note by using a mind map? Are you sure?", I know some of you will doubt about this statement but it is true. Just experience it by yourself. Try taking notes with mind map and normal notes-taking way, compare the efficiency of both way. I'm very sure that mind map will be more efficient!!

There are 2 kinds of mind map that was introduced by our lecturer which is logical mind map and associated mind map

Logical Mind Map

According to Mr. Mustafa's lecture slides, the Logical Mind Map is directly connected to stereotypes. The Logical mind map comprises of solely stereotype words. Which means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.In other word, logical mind map is consider as the mind map that we usually use in our life. The subject that we want to discuss is in situated at the central and the ideas that we wanted to present out in branch out from the central subject. The ideas or words that branch out should be related to the central subject.

Example of Logical Mind Map:

The Rules Of Logical Mindmapping
Always have your SUBJECT in the center of the page.
Try to make the subject more dominant than the rest of the words and images in the mind map.
Decide on the main categories of the subject before executing on mind map.
Try to have the different categories in different colors, to make it easier to identify.
Try to use drawings or images to make your mind map more interesting and personal.
The ideal mind map should be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from a center.
It is OK to repeat words or even interlink certain words.
Try to make your mind map neat and easily legible. REMEMBER one of the aims of the mind map is to create interest and to be able to access information easily.
Benefit of Logical Mind-Mapping Technique; 

• It is a concise way of listing and categorizing a mass of information.
• The relationship between each word will help trigger memories and greatly reduce the amount of note taking and assist in the understanding of the subject.
• The more interesting the mind map the greater the interest that the on looker will have in the information.
• The usage of images along side with word will again create interest for the mind map as well as assist in triggering a memory of the subject.

Associated Mind Map

This is the second kind of mind map. From Mr. Mustafa's slide, the way of using associated mind map is to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection. So what is the meaning of this? Hrmmm... This mind map also starts with a central subjects and there are ideas or words or pictures that branches out too. But the ideas that branches out from the central subject is not directly related to it or just simply random. Anything that comes to your mind can be put as the branch out ideas. No limit for it. It is quite free compare to logical mind map.

Example of  Associated Mind Map:

OK, now is the time for assignment for this week! 

What is Mind Map to you?

Before this, I don't think that mind map is useful in our study. Well, it is before. Now, after I have studied mind map and I had a chance to get in touch with Mind map, I found out that it is a great tools which will help me in completing my works or anything efficiently. Although I don't use mind map before this in doing anything like taking notes, research or brainstorming, but now I feel that I can't do anything without it. It is so useful than normal way of taking down notes as you only write down one word in each branch in a mind map and this make you more focus and concentrate in memorizing notes. Mind map is also efficient in group discussion. Sometimes group discussion session fails to brings out any desired result, because there is no other things to help us to brainstorm. Mind map is useful in this situation as it enhance our brainstorming.

That's all for this week. Thank you. :3

Creative Studies(PCS0013) Week 5 lecture's slides

Saturday 1 December 2012

Week 4! Uhhhhh History :(

Sorry for the late post of this week's blog because I'm with the assignment given in this week. Ok, now let's talk about the content of this week's lecture. Surprisingly, this week's lecture is about history which is the things that I hate the most. I wonder why history exist in Creative Studies' syllabus. Creativity in ancient country? Although this week's lecture is also about creativity but it's creativity in ancient, I give me the feeling that it is going to be very boring.

There are a few ancient cities or communities were chosen to be looked into it in this week's lecture.

1) Mesopotamia
2) Egypt 
3) Ancient Indus
4) China
5) Greek & Hellenistic
6) Byzantine
7) Roman
8) Islamic
9) Medieval European

Wow, I know this ancient cities or communities. I studied them before this in secondary school. Awwww.. :( Last time, I need to memorise so hard and keep on repeat and repeat in order to pass my SPM. This brought back to me a lot of hard and unhappy memories but I think I still have some information left about this few ancient cities or communities although it's been about 1 year I didn't study history. Let's not waste anymore time, I will briefly talk about the creativity of this few countries.

 Ancient Cities & Communities


1) Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia is an ancient cities & communities
that is situated between 2 rivers which is Tigris and Euphrates. It is also known as the " Land of River". For your information, many ancient cities and communities was founded in area nears seas or rivers as they need a lot of water in their daily life to carry out their daily activities such as agriculture activities. Mesopotamia is one of the most early civilization in this world. The city is organized and it is divided into several areas which is downtown, city walls, outskirt of city and port. Inside the city there are house of worship, castle and also market square. This shows that Mesopotamia civilians is so creative and organized in managing their cities. Carts and ships is their main transportation at their age. The social structure of Mesopotamia is as shown in the diagram below:

The social structure is divided into 2 parts which is "government" (king, general, aristocratic) situatd at the top of this system ,civilian( trader, farmer) and slaves that situated in the lower part of the system. Due to their strategic location which is situated in between 2 rivers, their crops is more than enough to fulfill the needs of their people. Some of the farmers began to turn themselves into trader in order to solve this problems. Their creativity in solving problems have made their cities to grew stronger. Cuneiform script is the script used in Mesopotamia. Cuneiform is one of the earliest known forms of writing expression in this world and it is originally used by the Sumerian and it continues to develop over times. Creating such script require a lot of creativity and without  a proper writing system, it is hard to communicate with one another. Ancients people also show their creativity by developing the Cuneiform. Picture below show example of cuneiform script.
Cuneiform Script

Social problems also leaded ancient people to be more creative in think the way to solve it. Hammurabi, the sixth king of Babylon is known for the set of laws called Hammurabi's code, one of the earliest written codes of laws in history. The creativity in solving social problems with the invention of Hammurabi's code should be appreciated by all of us. Not only that, the famous epic poem " Epic of Gilgamesh" also found in Mesopotamia. This poem is about friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and there are also many god and creatures stated in this epic poem. Immortally is also one of the element stated in it. Without creativity, ancient people may not be able to create or write this kind of literacy. Intelligence and creativity of Mesopotamian also leaded them on developing knowledge of astronomy which helped them greatly in sailing , simple mathematics, and creating calender which is based on solar system( 12 months for a year). Another creation by Mesopotamia is wheel which were used in many ways. During war time, wheel was used in making horse carriage for war and it is also used as waterwheel which helped a lot in agriculture activities and also function as flood-control device.

Summary on creativity of Mesopotamian:
- Organized city
- Transportation(carts and ships)
- Changing of occupation due to certain reasons
- Cuneiform script
- Hammurabi's code
- "Epic of Gilgamesh"
- Knowledge in Astronomy, Simple Mathematics and Calender
- Creation of wheel

2) Egypt


Ancient Egypt located along the river bank of Nile River. Just like Mesopotamia, Nile River serves as the main water supply to the Egyptian to carry out their daily activities. Although the area along the river is very suitable for agriculture activities, the environment is still unfavorable for the Egyptian as their place is situated in the dessert and the weather is unpredictable. Egyptian faced great challenge on this living environment and they need to work hard in order to live on. Ancient Egyptian created tools that are made from metal to help them in their daily activities such as building ditch and watering system. According to, the meaning of Polytheism is belief in more than a god or in many gods. Ancient Egyptian believed in many gods as they are holding the concept of Polytheism in their life. They held to the concept of afterlife and make the dead into mummy. Hence, tools that must be used in daily life are also kept together with the mummy. This somehow shows how intelligence, creative and unique was ancient Egyptian.

Just like Mesopotamia, Egyptian have their own writing script which is known as Hieroglyph. This script is very special because it is the combination of logographic and alphabetic. It is used for recording important stuff such as agricultural activities, tax and religion activities.
The picture at the right side shows Hieroglyph that was used by the ancient Egyptian.

Pyramids are also one of the creation of ancient Egyptian that is full of mystery, special and also unique because most of the building is like square or rectangular shape but it is triangular shape. Great Pyramid of Giza(also known as Pyramid of Khufu or Pyramid of Cheops is the largest and oldest pyramid in Giza. Imhotep is one of the most important people in the history of Ancient Egyptian as he is a polymath and he is credited to the building of pyramids.

Ancient Egyptian also creatively invented paper out of pith of papyrus plant. Papyrus plant-made-papers are used to store important information.

Papyrus Plant

Papyrus Paper

Summary on creativity of Egyptian:
- Tools made from metal
- Polytheism ( Mummy making)
- Hieroglyph script
- Pyramids
- Papyrus-made-paper

3)Ancient Indus

Ancient Indus is situated along the Indus River.  Just like the other, Ancient India set a permanent settlement along the Indus River because of the water supply to their daily activities. Ancient Indus city is well-build because of the creativity and quality of municipal town planing. City is divided into 2 areas which first area is the area of central administrations and the second area in housing area.

Ancient India has achieved great accuracy in measuring length, mass and time by developing the uniform system of measures and weights. Not only that, some new techniques in metallurgy also evolved by them and successfully producing new metallurgical items such as bronze, lead, tin and copper.

The writing scripts used in Ancient Indus also considered as the uniqueness of this civilization. The writing script is known as Indus script. It is quite special compare to the other ancient scripts. Most of the ancient scripts have been successfully translated into understandable language but the Indus script is still remain undecipherable.

Summary on Creativity of Ancient India:
- Well-build city
- Accurate Measuring systems
- New techniques in metallurgy
- Indus Script

4) Ancient China


Ancient China is situated at the areas along 2 rivers which is the famous Yellow River(Huang Ho) and Yangtze River. Yellow River is believed to be the cradle of China civilization. There are many dynasties in the ancient China and the earliest dynasty in ancient China is said to be the Dynasty Xia. Further information on the dynasties existed in ancient China? Please kindly click on the links below.

Here are the list and timelines of dynasties existed in ancient China:

Areas along Yellow River is very suitable for plantation as the land is nutritious and assisted a lot in agricultural activities. Waterway is built by the ancient Chinese to water their plantations and it also helps in preventing flood from happening. Not only that, the suitable techniques for plowing and others are applied to the agricultural activities which helps to increase the harvest. Without the creative inventions which assisted in agricultural, ancient China may not be so powerful in the old days.

Ancient Chinese also invented the concept of Yin-Yang(Yin & Yang) which literally meaning is shadow and light. This concept is used to describe the opposite and contrary forces are interconnected and independent in the natural world.It is the primary guideline in the tradisional Chinese medicines and the central principles of  Chinese martial arts. Futhermore, Feng shui is also another important beliefs invented by them. Feng shui are used wisely in orient building in an auspicious manner and the art of Feng shui is still developing and in use until now.

"Art of War Sun Tzu" is also one of the famous ancient treaties in the world. It is written by Sun Tzu   during the late Spring and Autumn Period and the contains of this book is about military strategies and tactics.

Summary on creativity of Ancient China:
- Waterway
- Effective agricultural techniques( plowing and etc.)
- Concept of Yin-Yang
- Feng Shui
- "Art of War Sun Tzu"

5) Greek & Hellenistic


Hellenistic Greece appears in the period between the death of Alexander the Great and the annexation of the classical Greek heartlands by Rome in 146BC. Hellenistics art is the art produced in this period. There are several famous sculptures such as Laocoön and his Sons, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory of Samothrace.were produced at this period of time. Due to frequent wars, the culture of Hellenistic is always cross-crossing and this make them more creative in producing special  products(art or sculpture) .

Architecture of Hellenistic period is special and differs from the architecture before. The city planning is quite innovative at that time, rather than manipulating space by correcting its faults, building plans conformed to the natural settings. Amusement and leisure place such as theater and parks increase in number.

During this period, sculptures produced repeated the innovation of "second classicism", perfect sculpture in other word, allowing the sculpture to be viewed from all of the angle. Hence, the production of a sculpture requires modal. Other than sculpture, Hellenistic art also included painting and mosaic, ceramics, metallic arts, terra cotta figurines( previously use in religion purpose) and glass, glpytic arts.

Here are the exmaples of Hellenistic Art:

Laocoön and his Sons,

Venus de Milo
Winged Victory of Samothrace

Summary on creativity of Greek & Hellenistic:
- Architectures
- Sculptures and art in different forms

6) Byzantine


Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the middle ages and it is situated at the centered on the capital of Constantinople. It is also considered as the Western Roman Empire.

Literacy and art is the main things produced in Byzantine in the old days. The art piece produced here is known as Byzantine art. Byzantine art were more concerned about religious expression and translate church theology into artistic terms. At first they translate others literacy but at the 12th century, they began to produce their own literacy and it gradually become the main influences to the Italian Renaissance art. In order to become like this require lot of hard works and also creativity as creativity is the most important in producing good art piece or literacy and people of Byzantine successfully achieved to be the primary influence to the art in Italian in Renaissance period. The pictures below are some of the famous art piece/forms from Byzantine.

Hagia Sophia
The most famous surviving  Byzantine mosaic

 of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople

The Cambrai Madonna

Justinians and his Attendants

Summary on creativity of Byzantine:
- Literacy
- Art pieces

7) Roman

 The Roman Empire was the post-Republican period of the ancient Roman civilisation which had a large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean area. Being of wealthy and powerful empire, art pieces such as sculptures or mosaics that are place in public are usually serves as decorations. There were also wealthy people advertised their appreciation toward arts by placing sculptures, paintings and any forms of art pieces in their houses. Portraiture is one of the common art form produced in the Roman. During Augustans period, the creating of portraitures were based on youthful and classical proportion but it evolved into usage of idealism and realism next. The other art forms which is popular are mosaics, painting and Sarcophagi. In ancient time, the literacy of Roman is considered high as its rate is between 5-30% as they knows the important of education. With the help of education and creativity, without a doubt Roman was one of the strongest empire in the ancient time. Not only that, there are also performing arts appears in the history of Roman people. What is performing arts? It's a play that performed by people and this shows how creative are the Roman people. Example of Roman art.


Roman Sculpture

Summary on creativity of Roman:
- Art pieces of different forms ( portraiture, painting, sculpture)
- Performing arts

8) Islamic

Islam is a religion that originated from Arab. Their believer is known as Muslims and they only believe to one and only God, Allah. Islamic architecture(Mosque) is also has an outstanding and unique physical appearance. This requires works of creativity combining the element of religions. The picture below is an example of Arabic style Mosque.

Summary on creativity of Islam:
- Architecture

9) Medival

Medieval is also known as the Middle Ages which is the period of European history that lasted from the 5th to the 15th centuries. At this period, military played a very important role and it has to be developed in order to stay strong and powerful. Cavalry troops were trained at the beginning and it continue to developed into more specialized unit. Not only that, there are also creation of cataphract-type soldier appeared at this period. Composite bows, long swords and also mail armor and lamellar armor were also appeared due to the development of technologies in warfare. Crossbow was also another example of development that used to assist in war. Military development cannot be done by only having the knowledge without having creativity. Medieval people also showed their creativity in creating art pieces which includes sculptures, stained glass, metalwork, illuminated manuscripts and mosaics.

Cavalry Units


Medieval Tainted Glass

Medieval Metalwork

Medieval Sculpture

Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts
Medieval Sculpture

Summary on creativity of Medieval:
- Developement of Military
- Art pieces
