There were few activities carried out in the class. It was fun and all of us enjoyed it because waves of laughs flow splash anywhere in the class. Total of 5 task were given in the class. Yeap, it seems many but it was relaxing I will say. First, Mr Radzi gave each of us a A3 paper and then he showed us two groups of words and ask us to copy it down on the paper. The first group of words is in red colour while the other one is black colour.
Then Mr.Radzi told us to choose 3 random numbers between 00-99. Guess what number I chose. 22, 16 and 94. Well, there were the first 3 numbers that came to my mind. After choosing the numbers, Mr. Radzi tell us to put numbers from 0-9 at the side of the words as he showed on the screen. This is how it looks like after adding numbers.
And the next step is form a new word according to the number that you have selected. For example, I have already chose 22, 16 and 94. The first number is 22 and how to form a new word? Split the number into 2 and you will know how to get the new word. The first 2 is from the first group and the second 2 is word from the second group. So, the word I get will be "Lightning Rock". Repeating the steps to get the other new pair of words.
22 = Lightning Rock
16 = Flower Spider
94 = Leaf Mountain
After this, Mr.Radzi told us to build a sentence with the new pair of word. It is not necessary to join the words together when building the sentences. In other word, the word can be splitted up in the sentences. The sentences can be not logically, funny and random as long as it is arrange in the right sequence which means that the first word should come first and cannot be put to the back and this same goes to the second word. This is the 3 sentences I built.
22 - Lightning Rock: A lightning struck the rock just now.
16 - Flower Spider: The flower looks like a spider.
94 - Leaf Mountain: A leaf is blown to the direction of mountain.
Funny. Now is the interesting part. Mr. Radzi called us to draw out what we had wrote for the sentences just now. OK, challenge accepted!

Now, is the other way. Just now we split the word into 2 but now we join them together. This will be harder than just now. Mr. Radzi wanted us to draw another 3 pictures according to what we chose. It is not a must to use the word we choose as Mr. Radzi say we can use some word that sounds the same. For example, Leave is sounds like leaf, so it can be used.
After the 3 drawings, now is consider the second of this week's lecture. The title is Merger goes wrong. Mr. Radzi showed us a picture that full of animals and wanted us to choose any 2 of the animals and merge them together if you think that they cannot survive after merging them. I have no idea why the selection of animals of mine same to Mr. Radzi. Well, coincident. I chose bird and fish.
Combination of fish and bird cannot survive because they live in different habitats. Bird lives on tree while fish lives in water. Bird is unable to fly when their wing is wet and fish is also unable to leave water for a long period. They are eat different kinds of food. Bird's food are usually fruits and worms but fish eats small fishes. Hence, they sure will die if combining them together.
And now is the time for assignment of this week. Creating poems! Aww... I'm not good in this. :( But never mind, I will try my best to create some good one.
Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”
Love is like a chilli.When I hold you, T have already feel the passion deep inside you.
When I mix you with my food, you become the spice of my life,
When I bite you, I feel hot and somehow hot.
Hotter and hotter.
Sometimes, it makes me cry.
Sometimes, it make me want more and more.
Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

Sometimes burns lively, indicate the excitement of life.
Sometimes burns dimly, symbolize the sorrow of life.
Some burns miserably and dimly to the end,
Some burns vigorously and fiercely to the end,
Some decided to extinguished at the middle.
Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman”

They are essential existent in our life,
that we need.
They mix the spice of our life,
that we can't do it by our own.
But they can be offensive sometimes,
that sometimes hurts a lot.
They grind all kinds of thing in arguement,
that are they specialties.
They are essential but sometimes dangerous,
that we need to handle with care.
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